A long list of amenities for your convenience
Coin Laundry
Print / Scan / Fax Photocopy Services
House Keeping Loundry Services Available
BBQ Facility
Free Wifi
Picnic table and sitting area
Wheelchair accessible room
Bus and Truck parking
35 Non-Smoking rooms
Ice machine / Pop machine
Designated smoking area
Microwaves in all rooms
EV Charging Station
Over 100 TV Channels
Free parking
Weekly, monthly rates available.
Large apartment-sized fridges
Hair dryers and Iron's in all rooms
Grand Forks Attractions
Downtown Grand Forks
An outdoor outfitter with all your outdoor needs covered, from hiking to hunting to camping to climbing and lots in between

Seasons Outdoor
Seasons is a bike, run, and ski and board shop downtown Grand Forks.

Body Edge Fitness - Gym
Body Edge Fitness Centre is a modern facility fully equipped with user friendly Hammer Strength and Life Fitness equipment.

City Park Playground & Rotary Spray Park
In City Park, located along the river, you will find the playground and spray park.

Boundary Museum
The Boundary Museum Society was established in 1958, and incorporated in 1980.

Motel Gallery

Golf Courses

Location and Contact
Christina Lake Golf Club, Christina Lake G.C. Course
18 holes (Public) | Highway 3
Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0
(250) 447-9313
6:00 am to 8:45 pm
Monday - Frinday
Cascade Par 3 Golf Course,
Lake G.C. Course
09 holes (Public) | 282 2nd Ave
Christina Lake, BC V0H 1E0
(250) 447-9705
8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Monday - Frinday
Kettle Valley Golf Club, Kettle Valley G.C. Course
09 holes (Public) | 3280 Highway 3
Rock Creek, BC V0H 1Y0
(250) 446-2826
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Monday - Frinday